Thursday, March 24, 2005

Why I love my religion

Some twelve years ago my classmate and co-worker was fond of getting me into a "debate" on religious issues. He was, of course, a very devout follower of another religion and would frequently ask me questions about my own religion. His intention, I thought, was always to "demean" the religion that I followed. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he wanted to get me engaged in some intellectual and very healthy debate...

The ignorant idiot that I was in these matters, I would hardly be able to defend any questions against my religion. Well, that is now the past. After having studied very superficially (like "scratching the surface"), I think I would, if I get a chance, be able to defend better. In these few years, I have been studying or thinking about various issues, have read a couple of religious books (even those from other religions) and am now proud to be able to understand and follow my own religion better.

Since religious issues have always been the basis of large-scale violence in India in the recent past, I will not reveal my religion explicitly nor will I discuss it here, but most people would be able to guess it.

Again, the aim here is not to "demean" other religions, but then we expect the same in return...:). Like they say, "to each, his own". Do as you wish, nobody trying to force one religion or the other on anybody. But, if there are questions, I now have the answers.

This post was actually prompted by some guys who still made fun of what they could not understand. Maybe some day they actually would (just like me).

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