Monday, March 14, 2005

Sri Sri's views on "Halo or Hoax" conclave...

Came across this wonderful "response" by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to a discussion at the "Halo or Hoax" conclave organised by India Today to debate if today's spiritual gurus are hoaxes. In his own trademark "calm and collected" style, he says that "An intelligent man would look into all the avenues before he makes a comment or accusation."
and how some speakers at the conclave branded all present-day spiritual leaders as hoaxes or godmen.

Quite an interesting read and how he finally "chose silence over conflict".


Aseem Rane said...

Well, I think technical advancements and new inventions always bring new comfirts to our lives. In my opinion it is upto the individual to decide to which comfort we should get enslaved to. Now take an example of a matchbox or lighter. That has brought a lot of comfort in our lives. It would not be wise not to use such kind of "Comforts". And there are all those advanced vehicles which allow us to travel long distances. It would not be appropriate not to use the vehicles because by using them we dont do the enough physical movements.
Just my 2 paisa.

Anon said...

It seems that the comment is posted for the wrong blog entry...

It is still necessary to identify what is a "necessity" from what is a "comfort". Again, with passage of time, it may be possible for a "comfort" of yesteryear to be a "necessity" in today's world.

It is, therefore, very essential for oneself to identify the "comforts" from the "necessities". The point being that most people today simply brand everything they see and can buy as a necessity.

Anon said...

Irrespective of any distinction between a "necessity" and a "comfort", the saying still holds true.

The comments actually correspond to this post.