Sunday, February 20, 2011

Started a new tech blog

Started a new tech-related blog over at Wordpress. This is because Blogger does not support PDF attachments (remember the previous post about LaTeX). To all my computer-savvy readers, figure out where it is. Hint: There has to be a Unix connection for the name, and devices are an eternal favorite along with the fascination for 0.


Aseem Rane said...

This is not fair Ramdas. The hints are no way sufficient looking at the number of combinations possible.

What I can tell is that the name will end with "X", like linux or minix to show the connection with Unix. I cant go further with the hints for devices and zero.

In fact I love name of your current blog. "Dash Dot : The remorse code" :) Also reminds me of slashdot

Aseem Rane said...

a simple search on wordpress revealed the name :)

I am following you there.