Monday, May 16, 2005

Install an A/C, then watch your bill zoom...then...

Like all so-called "modern urban" people, many fall into the over-spending trap. Many try to emulate their neighbours and buy expensive stuff like cars (multiple cars) irrespective of whether it is needed or not. These people have lost their intelligence and cannot distinguish between want and need.

Case in point:
The hot summers in Mumbai have made them install air-conditioners in their homes. The heat has become unbearable for them. But, they forgot the consequence of the electricity units consumed. Air-conditioners consume the highest among electric appliances at 1 unit per 40 minutes. In comparison, it takes a fan about 26 hours of running to consume 1 unit.

Naturally, many of these people got the shock of their lives when they received bills of Rs. 8000 above. Like all other problems in life, this problem has a quick-fix too. Enter a new profession: "Meter Tamperer".

This article in Mid-Day (local Vashi Metro) has the details. It includes the methods used by people to slow down the rotation of the meter so that it reports lesser units. Of course, the differential is often to be borne by the people themselves (since such cheating in the long run will result in increased tariffs), but then the brunt will be borne by everyone. That's the mentality of the average Indian.

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