Saturday, April 16, 2005

How about a car for commuting in Mumbai?

No, thanks.

I am one of "those people" that get paid by the company to buy a car and maintain it. However, I have chosen not to opt for the vehicle, commuting instead using the public transport. When people ask me why I do not take the car, my standard reply is that "I do not feel the need for it". Some guys are more curious and this simple answer does not satisfy their curiosity. I usually finish off by saying that "if I feel the need for it later, I will take it".

Other reasons why I have not opted for the car:
  • Driving a car is a pain (no pun intended) in Mumbai; it can cause severe backaches. Since the spine is a very important set of bones in the body, it is advisable not to tax it too much. (The distinguishing feature of a vertebrate is the spinal cord).
  • If I drive the car myself, I can't catch up on reading books. Well, there is the possibility of using a driver, but then that is extra RsRsRs ($$$)
  • Having a car changes the way you tend to look at things and act. One has to find a place to park the car, and that requires quite an effort in Mumbai. The usual tendency for people is to go to places that have car parking. So, you no longer go where you wanted to go. Instead, you end up going where your car is safe.
  • Additional headache in the form of maintenance and fear of theft.
  • If you are stuck in a traffic jam, you can't leave the car and walk past the jam.


Aseem Rane said...

Arey Ramdas, what about the Scorpio you dreamt about? :-)

Aseem Rane said...

On a more serious note there are more points supporting your views

1) Using public transport means saving fuel and polluting less.

2) Using vehicle makes you lazy and you tend to walk less. That degrades your helth even more