Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Its the season of LCD

LCD is the style of the day! No, I don't care about the "current" style, but I just replaced my 3-year old 15-inch CRT monitor with a 15-inch TFT LCD monitor (Samsung 540N). It cost me about Rs. 8.5K (non-Lamington price).

One of the main reasons for buying it was the space saving afforded by the LCD monitor. These things are also supposed to last longer and to consume lesser energy. They are also supposed to be easy on the eyes. Since there is no refresh scan needed, I wonder whether the "black lines" that show up when photographing a CRT monitor will show up with this kind of monitor. Theoretically, it should not, but I will confirm it.

The space created by the smaller monitor can now be filled with the Bose "Companion 2 Series II" multimedia speakers that I've been eyeing for so long. After I have the money, that is.

1 comment:

Jayaraman said...

Be prepared to have your PAN card and the bank statement intact.. as any purchase of Bose Item, will come with an IT query.. (One way to avoid may be pay Hardcash.. and purchase)