Sunday, January 20, 2008

End of Sem more to go...

By the grace of the Supreme Lord and all the other Gods, Goddesses, saints and gurus, I have managed to pass comfortably semester 3 of the MTech programme.

I got much better grades in semester 3 compared to previous semesters. In fact, I cannot better the 10-point grade index that I got this semester.

Actually, the course-work for semester 3 was over by Novemeber 2007 end. But, officially, semester 3 also includes Stage 2 project evaluations that are held only in January. So, in a way, the semester 3 gets over only in mid-January. While the rest of the students were enjoying the MoodI (I don't know who enjoys MoodI, but that is material for another post), Christmas, and New Year, we were busy slogging it out in preparation for the project evaluation.

That brings to an end one of the busiest consecutive periods of intensive work. After a little rest, we head back to the grind for the (hopefully) final semester and the final stage of the project.